Professional Indemnity Insurance

Do you give advice? Design solutions? Create plans or reports? Make recommendations?

Even if you are the sharpest tool in the shed, and meticulous in your dealings, Professional Indemnity protects you from the reality that you are still human, and mistakes, however uncommon - are a fact of life.

If someone claims that the advice or service you or your business gave wasn’t satisfactory and caused financial loss it’s your Professional Indemnity Insurance that will protect you.

Cyber Insurance

Cybercrime is big business.

Could you function without the information and databases you keep in the cloud? Every time your business connects to the Internet, you expose it to potential hackers. Now widely available in New Zealand, Cyber cover protects you from financial loss if someone breaches your network or compromises your data. It also covers you for claims that your use of the Internet caused someone else to suffer a loss.

Statutory Liability Insurance

Decided or controlled by law More and more businesses, company directors and managers are being held responsible for what happens in their business or workplace.If you, your business or employees are facing fines, penalties or reparation costs for unintentionally breaching NZ legislation, Statutory Liability Insurance is the protection you’ll wish you knew you needed.

Directors/Officers Liability Insurance

Today it’s essential for all directors and senior management to protect themselves from potential personal financial loss resulting from their leadership role in a business. In a world where everyone’s looking for someone to blame, it’s easy to point the finger and allege someone acted wrongfully in operating a business. Directors & Officers Liability insurance is available to both public and privately-owned companies.